there’s nothing here for you.
look elsewhere.

…mine are gone, too.
it's probably better that you don't remember.

oh god.

theo, we-…
we should go. we need to go.

wait, no, i need to-

please listen to me.
there’s nothing you can do. i'm sorry.

this can’t… it can't be real, right?
tell me it isn’t real. please.

…i’m sorry.
i’d just be lying to you.

rage and adrenaline alone carries my feet down the stairs
i keep replaying the sound in my head with every step
knuckles colliding, broken nose, the crack before blood spills
i thought i’d been moving forward all this time, but i was back at square one
i know monsters when i see them
face to face with him it was like i was eight again and nothing had changed

sweat pours down my face and i know i might not walk back up the stairs
what i’m doing is for you, and i can’t stop until one of us is dead
but i’m okay with that, because either way i’ll win
maybe i’m selfish after all

i'm losing like i expected to
i’m just a kid and he’s my dad and he scares me
i wonder if this is how my mom felt
blow after blow after blow, just to protect someone she loved
i wonder if i’ll die like her too

then my back hits the wall and there’s a hand around my throat and i’m scared
he used to leave empty bottles all over the place
i find out that they’re easier to break than i thought
he staggers back, holds his neck
sends me one last hateful glare before he trips backward over the coffee table
i stare down at him as his favourite rug stains red forever

when he stops moving i see the man he was and not a monster he became
and i realise i'm nothing like my mother
and i’m everything like my father
and i’m back in the kitchen watching her bleed out because i can’t help her

when i open my eyes again i'm kneeling beside him and you’re on the stairs
your hands cover your mouth and mine stop shaking his shoulders
you tell me it’s okay
you tell me it’s not my fault
you tell me we’ll get out of this town and never look back
and i think i am just like my father

CASE #2312
DATE: JUN 03 2012
REPORTING OFFICER: Sgt. Ophelia Hanson
911 received an emergency request for police around 19:00. The caller—28 year old Alice Briggs—cited a ‘large, lumbering animal’ in the back yard of her residence attempting to break into the property, and feared for the safety of her and and her child, Aiden.
I arrived on scene with officer ████ and Lt. Hawke shortly thereafter. Officer ███ was directed to scope out the back yard and surrounding area, whilst I and Lt. Hawke searched the home after being met with no response at the door.Upon entering the residence, it was immediately apparent that a physical altercation of sorts had occurred in the interim between the initial call and our arrival on the scene; several chairs lay scattered on the floor throughout the home, and what appeared to be claw marks along the walls were occasionally found alongside smears of blood.We were unable to locate Ms. Briggs or her son in our initial search. Lt. Hawke directed officer ████ to call for backup under the pretence of a potential wild animal attack while we continued navigating the residence; I headed down the hallway past the kitchen to search in other rooms.Upon looking into the master bedroom I found the silhouette of something crouched behind and partially obscured by the bed frame. I was able to make out a pair of legs lying beneath it, but could not discern much else; although I am still unable to identify what exactly the silhouette was, it became aware of my presence and attacked immediately.

…i don’t know if i can keep writing this.

no- no, it’s not that, just…
i don’t know. remembering it freaks me out.


oh, yeah, it uh- god, it was horrible.
it was so dark i could hardly see the damn thing. if it weren’t for the godawful cracking noises when it turned around, i don’t think i’d have…

yeah. yeah, sorry, i’ll get back to it.

I fired my weapon at it to no effect, and called out for assistance from Lt. Hawke. I was able to evade it temporarily by veering further down the hallway, but given the limited options could only shut myself in the child’s room at the end of the hall. It was at this point that I discovered Ms. Briggs’ son hiding beneath his bed, and radioed to update Lt. Hawke. Presumably upon recognising the threat compromising my position, Lt Hawke distracted and lured it out of the hallway, which gave me a sizeable enough time frame to barricade the door with a dresser cabinet.I assured the child present with me that additional help would arrive shortly and attempted to further calm him. I heard Lt. Hawke firing on the threat several times from elsewhere in the home. All other noise abruptly ceased a few minutes later. Backup arrived not long after.Despite the initial findings of blood being identified as Ms. Briggs’ and the discovery of even more blood in the living room that matched with Lt. Hawke, no bodies were found on the scene by detectives, nor any evidence of the original threat or the legs I reported seeing previously.Aiden was later put into the care of his father, Liam Briggs, and recommended a child trauma therapist. Neither Lt. Hawke nor Ms. Briggs have been seen since, and are currently regarded as missing.SIGNED:
Sgt. Ophelia Hanson, Mulgrove County PD

there. finally.

yes, i’m fine. yeah.

…christ, you’re right, it’s just-
i don’t know. it’s only been a few days, so i’ve got no reason to assume the worst, but i can’t stop thinking about how he-…
just… before everything went quiet, he was yelling at it.
but then there was this- i don’t know, a gurgling noise?
and then it was dead silent.

yeah. i hope so too.
i just can’t shake the feeling that it was my fault.

'm home.

shit, you're back early. what gives?
your date go bad or something?

oh, shut up.

ay, you're smilin' though!

we're not dating!
anyway, she just had to study, so i fucked off.

aw, considerate.

boy don't fuckin' patronize me!
you eaten yet?


cats fed?


i know you're crazy 'n all but you still gotta eat.
no more salami for the cats, yeah?

oooh, mister rational over here all a sudden!
man she really is rubbin' off on you.


the hell- got me an apple?

rach's folks've got a whole tree.
my whole bag's full of 'em now.
...what's that?


your hand, dude.

it's- uh. it's nothin'.

wouldn't be hiding it if it was nothing.
it's a cig burn, right?
shit, i didn't leave you alone for that long this time.

i just-
i don't like seeing it fade.
i'll let it heal when she's fuckin' dead.

i'd kill her for ya if i could, mate.

i know.

c'mere man. i get it.
you wanna burn some shit later? newspapers?


love you dude.

that's queer. you too, though. thanks steph.

[ Transcript of call logged at 9:23 PM ]

[ … ]
ah- hi, cassie! what’s up?
um, it’s awfully late to be-

vivian’s gone.

cassidy, what-

she- she’s just gone.
i don’t know what to do.

theo, please, say something.
i don’t-… i’m sorry, i just-

no- cass, it’s alright-
please just… s-stay put, okay?
i’ll-… i’ll be right over! hang on.

please don’t hang up.

cassie, i shouldn’t be on the phone while driving-


o-okay, i’ll stay on the line.
can you at least tell me what happened?